Pillsbury Pizza Crust

A while ago, one of my friends at work told me about Pillsbury’s pizza crust, so I had to try it. Their pizza crusts can be found with their biscuits and crescent rolls and comes in Artisan, Classic, and Thin. I went with classic.

Besides my can of dough (and one extra in case it didn’t make enough food), I bought some mozzarella cheese, pepperoni, and pizza sauce. We own a pizza pan, but I decided to use a cookie sheet and make a rectangular pizza instead.

The dough came out of the can easily and spread out with minimal stretching. It did tear a little bit but I was able to push the dough back together.

Then, per the directions, I prebaked the dough. When it came out, I put some sauce and cheese on it and then had Kevin cover it in pepperoni. Then it made a return trip to the oven.


As you can see in the above picture, some of the outer edges got a little overdone. But the center pieces were lovely!

The dough was soft and chewy with a slightly sweet taste that complimented our chosen toppings. Look at that army of pepperoni…

Pillsbury has some awesome products and this is one that I would highly recommend! Just make sure that you watch it while it bakes, especially towards the end–you want a golden brown crust. Not a dark brown, rather crunchy crust. I think I’ll make some mini pizzas with the brownie pan that my mom got me with the other can that I have.